Monday, November 8, 2010

This is an Anniversary Gift for my wife this year. It's our first anniversary
and she likes to color my drawings so this seemed a very appropriate gift.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Just for fun I drew my brothers and I in western outfits because we
enjoy playing Red Dead Redemption together. I decided to make some wanted
posters for my brother's birthday cards also. I colored them in photoshop, then
made them grayscale. For the final step I used the graphic pen filter in photoshop.

Originally I had a background from one of the RDR wallpapers, but I wanted my own
on my brother's card, so I drew it and colored it in photoshop.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

These are cards I did for my wife's birthday this year. This one's a picture of us on
our couch with some of the characters from our favorite shows around us.

I took her to the Ride the Ducks tour in Seattle. So I made a card that went with that theme.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A card I made for my Dad's birthday. He really loves World of Warcraft so this is all the family members as WoW characters. If you look closely you can see my wife as Codex from the Guild web series.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Xbox live arcade just Released Earthworm Jim hd. My brother and I used to play Earthworm Jim all the time, Well not the game really. We had the whole set of figures, and we had Earthworm Jim and we made up his brother Earthworm Tim. We also had our own story which we liked better that the game or the cartoon's story.
Playing the game made me want to draw them again so here we are, the whole gang.
The game is a lot of fun I mainly bought it for the co-op. Which was fun but was too easy and didn't have a major ending boss, it just kinda... ended. but other than that it was fun.

Figured I'd include my work. you can see I forgot about the girl's wings until the color stage.

I use blue pencil first then ink it on a light table. No real reason for the blue pencil since I'm not printing this page. I've just started with a blue pencil for a long time. It helps me do light stuff and then darker for the final details.
Anyway I hope you like these. I had fun drawing my pal Earthworm Tim again. oh yeah and Jim.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

My niece and brother in laws birthdays
are on the same day. So getting two cards done with this many
characters was a challenge. I missed the deadline for the
anime one (sorry Sean) but they both really enjoyed them.
So it turned out okay.

Most of my cards are cartoon versions of me and
whoever I'm giving it to. Which is fun but it was
nice diversion to do some cards with other
characters. I asked my bro-in-law Sean
what his Favorite Anime was and he gave me three. So I did
a pin up of all three main characters.
Lizzie's is of Course
Littlest Pet Shop cause she loves those
things and has a hundred+ of them. Messy kitty is my
favorite so she shows up in the cards a lot.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

I recently attempted to enter a contest to see who would draw the next superfogey's Origin comic featuring Spy Gal over at
I ended up not being able to finish but this is what I did. Super Fogeys is a really well done webcomic, go check it out.
This is Spy Gal, She's really cool.
Below is a short comic trying to show
my story telling ability.