Saturday, August 30, 2008


This is the Character that has given me the most trouble over all, he just won't look right, however the last one here is my favorite of him so far.

These are some concepts for his robot arms, which is one of the reasons he's given me the most trouble.

This is more of the same from the story below.

Inked Vim drawings

Here they are inked. Now when I say "inked" it really isn't liked finished quality inking. These are from my sketchbook, so what I did was just take Micron pens #8,#5, and sometimes #3, and go over the blue pencil with them. I don't erase, and even come back with the blue pencil to darken certain things.

These are characters from a story idea I have about super-powered beings in space, with space ships and everything. No aliens though, like 'em but they've been done to death. (plus I have a lot of other stories that feature aliens very prominently )

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Vim Sketches

These are a few concept sketches I did a few weeks ago while at my brother's house. I'll have the inked versions up ,soon as I scan them in.

Not the best scan, but oh well.